William Mitchell Scroll Pen Nib by Amelia Cheung

Sam Barbs (aka Samantha Barbagiovanni aka Barbs) recently returned from her trip to London with some snazzy new pen nibs to play with – including this William Mitchell scroll pen nib. It's a whole new world! And it requires a different style of writing and different letter forms to make the best of the thick-thin nib. The black and gold holder just makes all the more fun.

"I like gooooooooooold" – Goldmember.

#typetuesdays by Amelia Cheung

In the Fall of 2014 some talented work buddies, Sam and Ning, and I decided to broaden our horizons and take on a new Skillshare after the success of the Spencer Charles class (Lettering in Illustrator). Our inner grandmas wanted to go old skool and try out calligraphy so we started Molly Jacques' Introduction to the Art of Modern Calligraphy. Months later we are still hooked!

Now once a week we dedicate one evening after work to the practice of calligraphy and brush pen lettering. With many instagram accounts for inspiration (bow down to the master that is Seb Lester) we now have #typetuesdays rocking some sweet scribes.

Highly recommend both classes on Skillshare. It's great to have both the digital and good ol' hand rendered skillz broken down into bite-size classes. Takes the fear out of it and the hand lettering is simply cathartic after a long day of staring at a screen.

Kehinde Wiley: A New Republic at the Brooklyn Museum by Amelia Cheung

Kehinde Wiley stained glass window, Brooklyn Museum

Shantavia Beale II, Kehinde Wiley

Recently went to the Brooklyn Museum at their Target First Saturdays (the evening's theme was dedicated to Jean-Michel Basquiat) and got to see the popular Kehinde Wiley exhibition. Loved the pattern details, his amazing portraiture skills (the skin tones were epic!), and the sheer scale of the pieces. As you enter the exhibit you encounter these cathedral-sized stained glass windows, backlit and beaming in all their gangster glory. Lots of pattern inspiration for me. Go see it before it ends May 24.